All orders are processed and packed at our warehouse and by our valued SuperCatch certified team members. We take great pride and care with your orders and want nothing more, than for you to get your orders safely and on time and for you to be playing your video games. We ship worldwide and 99% of all paid shipping orders ship out within 1 business day. Checkout shows an estimated date of arrival should the order ship out within 1 business day.
Shipping Times:
Free Shipping*: Available on all orders where shipping is to to the contiguous United States only. Orders typically process in 1-3 business days. Checkout shows an estimated date of arrival should the order ship out within 1 business day.
USPS Priority Mail: Estimated 1 to 3 shipping days. Monday through Saturday delivery. Orders process in 1 business day.
FedEx Ground: Estimated 1 to 5 shipping days. Monday through Saturday delivery. FedEx cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Orders process in 1 business day.
USPS Express Mail: Guaranteed 1 to 2 shipping days. Monday through Sunday delivery in most areas. Signature required. Orders process in 1 business day.
USPS First Class: Estimated 2 and 7 shipping days. Monday through Saturday delivery. Orders process in 1 business day.
FedEx Overnight and 2 Day – These express options are available for Monday through Friday delivery. No weekend delivery. Order by 1pm MST to have your package process and ship the very same day. FedEx cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Orders process in 1 business day.
Priority Mail Express International: Estimated 3 to 5 business days. Monday through Sunday delivery in most areas. Signature required. Orders process in 1 business day.
*Free Shipping, USPS, and FedEx Ground dates and times are estimates and recommendations for domestic shipping supplied by USPS and FedEx during normal business days.
Time in transit is estimated and not a guarantee unless otherwise noted. All times in transit subject to optimal conditions and do not take into account bad weather, pandemic, natural disaster etc.
International shipping varies by country and any customs fees or duties due are the responsibility of the purchaser. SuperCatch is not responsible for any carrier delays.
Tracking Your Order:
Login to ‘My Account’
On the left sidebar, click ‘Orders’.
Reference the tracking number associated with the order.
Shipping Policies:
If you’re not sure what service you would need to get the package in time, please call us at (888) 366-0930. For orders under $100, shipping costs are calculated at the time of checkout. Shipping costs are calculated based upon the carrier selected, travel distance, and package weight. Any orders over $250 or shipping to apartments may require a signature upon delivery. Please note, Puerto Rico and Guam are US territories and United States should be selected as the country when getting shipping rates.
We understand you want the best quality product and you want it to arrive fast. All orders are shipped out in the order that they are received, with the exception of FedEx Express and USPS Priority shipments. These are put at the top of the list to be shipped out first. Most paid shipping orders are processed by the next business day and everything is packaged and handled with care. SuperCatch is not responsible for any carrier delays in transit or for carriers missing their provided estimated delivery date range. Please allow extra time during all major holidays that the Post Office and FedEx will be closed. Please double check your address for accuracy. Any package returned to for an insufficient address such as missing apt #, or Unable To Forward tag, will be charged additional shipping fees when the item reships. All orders subject to stock availability. All prices listed in US dollars.
All orders Ship from Mesa, Arizona and are sent during weekdays.